I lead my professional lives with enthusiasm and a practical approach !
On one side – Coach & Trainer
On the other side – Actress & Director
Nathalie Simon – Coach & Trainer

Fields of operation :
Leadership, Spoken Communication, Management.
Highlights of my journey :
- Materials Engineer Polytech’Lille & Cambridge University.
- Master of Business Administration IAE Aix-en-Provence.
- 12 years of Procurement & Change Management in the Aeronautics, Building and Public Works sectors.
- 5 years in Germany, England and Spain.
- Black-Belt and Change Management studies at Safran University.
- Since 2013 : freelance trainer, DATADOCK referenced.
- 2 years training as an Actress – Facilitator for Voice Dialogue Acting by Emmanuelle Chaulet.
Since 2017 : Coach for Executives, regular supervision of this activity, signatory of the International Voice Dialogue Charter (ivda) and its affiliated Professional Ethics.
For more information about my Professional Ethics commitments:
Nathalie Deluca – Actress & Director
Fields of operation:
Stories about women in power, politics or business who are committed to moving lines forward. The roles of women ministers, judges, lawyers, police captain, editors-in-chiefs, surgeons, research directors who fight for more equality, sharing and freedom.
Highlights of my journey:
- 2 years of actor training at La Bobina in Barcelona.
- 2 years of actor training at Acting International in Paris.
- 2 years of actor training with Jack Waltzer in Paris.
- 5 years of actor training with Emmanuelle Chaulet.
- 6 years of collaboration with My Agency Mylène Jack-Roch.
- 6 years of filming in short fiction formats or for advertising or corporate communication purposes.
- Since 2015: Coach for actors and actresses.
2018: Directed my first short film Tête d’Homme. The story of Phanie, CEO at a growing high-tech group, who takes on the glass ceiling in her own way and reinvents the man-woman codes of relationship in corporate environments.
Agent : Mylène JACK-ROCH